Maximize the value of your healthcare products

The supply-chain workflow to book savings and ensure products meet expectations


Trusted by these companies to manage over 5 billion in spend


How does it work?


Doctors submit a brief product request

Form gets sent directly to the sales rep for pricing & info

Sales reps add important details to the product request, including:

Group 1658
Group 1658 (1)

Supply Chain reviews Valio’s ROI report

Compare the new product with the existing one for both financial and evidence-based clinical differences.


Use Valio’s follow-up tools to ensure the product continues to benefit the hospital

  • Trial tracker: Submit trial feedback on mobile devices. Submission will be automatically added to your trial report

  • Lookback Report: Identifies whether the product has fulfilled the anticipated benefits

  • Rebate Tracker: Keeps track of earned rebates and suggests best time to place orders for better rebate savings


Maximize your rebate potential

Save thousands in rebates by tracking what products to buy and when


How does it work?


1Valio imports all of your rebate terms for you

2Your Hospital Uploads your Purchase Order History (POH) file every month

All files you upload with Valio are incredibly secure and private. We are more than happy to sign an NDA if need be.


3Based on your rebate agreements and spend, Valio will:

  • Reveal additional savings from buying more units by a certain time

  • Confirm you were paid correctly by the vendor

  • How to distribute rebate savings across hospitals

Book a Valio Demo